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Wrapper to create a 2D plot visualizing the mean and standard deviation basal and maximal ATP production from glycolysis and OXPHOS for each experimental group Create a Bioenergetic scope plot from input Seahorse Wave export, long-form rates excel files


make_bioscope_plot(rep_list, ph, pka, buffer, sheet = 2)



A list of Seahorse Wave excel export files. One file per replicate. Group all replicates for a given experiment in a single folder, and write that folder's path in "seahorse_data". You can use `list.files("seahorse_data") "full.names=TRUE") to get the paths to the files.


pH value for energetics calculation (for XF Media, 7.5)


pKa value for energetics calculation (for XF Media, 6.063)


buffer for energetics calculation (for XF Media, 0.1 mpH/pmol H+)


The number of the excel sheet containing the long-form Seahorse data. Default is 2 because the long-form output from Seahorse Wave is on sheet 2


a ggplot


rep_list <- system.file("extdata", package = "ceas") |>
  list.files(pattern = "*.xlsx", full.names = TRUE)
make_bioscope_plot(rep_list, ph = 7.4, pka = 6.093, buffer = 0.1)
#> Warning: Replicates were combined within groups, but future releases of ceas will calculate energetics without combining them - use `sep_reps = FALSE` to maintain replicate combination.