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Calculates ATP production from glycolysis and OXPHOS at points defined in patitioned_data


get_energetics(partitioned_data, ph, pka, buffer)



a data.table of organized Seahorse OCR and ECAR rates based on timepoints from the assay cycle. Returned by partition_data


pH value for energetics calculation (for XF Media, 7.5)


pKa value for energetics calculation (for XF Media, 6.063)


buffer for energetics calculation (for XF Media, 0.1 mpH/pmol H+)


a data.table of glycolysis and OXPHOS rates


TODO: check that all symbols are defined

Proton production rate (PPR): $$\text{PPR} = \frac{\text{ECAR value}}{\text{buffer}}$$

$$ \text{PPR}_{\text{mito}} = \frac{10^{\text{pH}-\text{pK}_a}}{1+10^{\text{pH}-\text{pK}_a}} \cdot \frac{\text{H}^+}{\text{O}_2} \cdot \text{OCR} $$

calculates the proton production from glucose during its conversion to bicarbonate and \(\text{H}^+\) assuming max \(\frac{\text{H}^+}{\text{O}_2}\) of 1

$$ \text{PPR}_\text{glyc} = \text{PPR} - \text{PPR}_\text{resp} $$

calculates the proton production from glucose during its conversion to lactate + \(\text{H}^+\)

Joules of ATP (JATP) production:

$$ \text{ATP}_{\text{glyc}} = \Bigl(\text{PPR}_\text{glyc} \cdot \frac{\text{ATP}}{\text{lactate}}\Bigl) + \Bigl(\text{MITO}_\text{resp} \cdot 2 \cdot \frac{\text{P}}{\text{O}_\text{glyc}}\Bigl) $$

$$ \frac{\text{ATP}}{\text{lactate}} = 1 $$ with \(\frac{\text{P}}{{\text{O}_\text{glyc}}}\) = 0.167 for glucose (0.242 for glycogen).

$$ \text{ATP}_\text{resp} = \Bigl(\text{coupled MITO}_\text{resp} \cdot 2 \cdot \frac{\text{P}}{\text{O}_\text{oxphos}}\Bigl) + \Bigl(\text{MITO}_\text{resp} \cdot 2 \cdot \frac{\text{P}}{\text{O}_\text{TCA}}\Bigl) $$ with \(\frac{\text{P}}{{\text{O}_\text{oxphos}}}\) = 2.486 and \(\frac{\text{P}}{{\text{O}_\text{TCA}}}\) = 0.167.


rep_list <- system.file("extdata", package = "ceas") |>
  list.files(pattern = "*.xlsx", full.names = TRUE)
seahorse_rates <- read_data(rep_list, sheet = 2)
partitioned_data <- partition_data(seahorse_rates)
energetics <- get_energetics(partitioned_data, ph = 7.4, pka = 6.093, buffer = 0.1)
head(energetics, n = 10)
#>     exp_group ATP_basal_resp ATP_max_resp ATP_basal_glyc ATP_max_glyc
#>        <fctr>          <num>        <num>          <num>        <num>
#>  1:   Group_1       1083.877     1125.075      176.42439     524.6518
#>  2:   Group_1       1080.106     1117.407      129.69559     442.5421
#>  3:   Group_1       1233.324     1278.141      141.43402     472.4431
#>  4:   Group_1       1002.058     1042.796       95.13176     390.3254
#>  5:   Group_1       1066.278     1107.473       87.08441     420.6239
#>  6:   Group_1       1088.996     1127.567      107.80548     485.7402
#>  7:   Group_1       1078.165     1114.478      127.14102     469.7935
#>  8:   Group_1       1127.103     1172.258      114.74865     477.7720
#>  9:   Group_1       1022.219     1058.623      137.66492     504.0603
#> 10:   Group_1       1152.477     1195.666      103.91464     426.4569