The triumphs and limitations of computational methods for scRNA-seq


June 21, 2021


March 16, 2023


Nature Methods

Kharchenko PV. The triumphs and limitations of computational methods for scRNA-seq. Nat Methods. 2021 Jul;18(7):723-732. doi: 10.1038/s41592-021-01171-x. Epub 2021 Jun 21. Erratum in: Nat Methods. 2021 Jun 30;: PMID: 34155396.

Every cell’s individual state differs from other cells around it even in the same tissue and scRNA-seq can capture that variation with high resolution. Even if mean expression of some genes is similar, there can be biologically significant variability of expression between cells. That high resolution comes with some computational challenges that need to be overcome to gain the most from scRNA-seq data.

Compared to bulk methods, single-cell methods only capture a small number of the total molecules in a cell with variation between cells reducing the confidence of expression profiles for some cells compared to others. In addition there is a gene-specific bias that prevents protocols from getting a random sampling of the molecules in the cell leading to different transcript-detection rates for different protocols. We can use more cells to compensate or use computational methods to infer and impute information. There is also the problem of sparsity: >missing data could mean the failure to detect a transcript rather than a lack of that transcript.

Using unique molecular identifiers has reduced the severity of this dropout problem. Sparsity also changes the way the data and analysis is viewed:

finding the likelihood that the transcript is expressed at a particular level given the observed data

For differential expression testing with large populations, parametric tests do not have a significant advantage over non-parametric tests, but have more unnecessary assumptions. However, with large populations, more genes will be reported as differentially expressed and the magnitude of the differences and the definitions of the subpopulations becomes important in analysis.

With differential expression testing analysis can also include the quantification of similarity or distance between the cells in the data. Methods like Euclidean or L1 distances quantify the transcriptional differences between cells while methods like Poisson similarity or Jensen-Shannon divergence measure the statistical deviation of two cells from equality and can vary with depth of coverage. Both types of analysis are subject to the curse of dimensionality which is the loss of the ability to distinguish between the closest and most distant points in the data. This requires using a lower dimensional embedding of the data to calculate distances on.

Dimensionality reduction

Lower dimensional representations of high dimensional biological data are useful because most of the variation in the data can be explained using just a few of the factors of the lower dimensional axes. This also reflects gene expression programs and the regulatory logic of cells. Although PCA is one of the most common and interpretable dimensionality reduction tools, the top principal components focus on the differences of highly expressed transcripts, losing information about broader expression patterns. One way to deal with this is to find the expected behaviour from all transcripts and then see if any one shows further variance above that. This would suggest that its expression pattern distinguishes major cell subpopulations.

Since PCA works best on symmetrically distributed data (normal distributions), it is also affected by sparsity and can return technical variation as a top principal component with high sparsity. These dimensions may need to be explicitly regressed out. This correction, however, is affected by the fact that distinct subpopulations can have systematic differences in depth because of differences in the amounts of mRNA. Instead of normal distributions, count models like the negative binomial model can better approximate the spread of the data.

Neural networks can be an easy way to map complex non-linear relationships. Autoencoders can

learn a low-dimensional representation of scRNA-seq data by finding functions that map to and from low-dimensional data in the best way that allows reconstruction of the original data

Although non-linear methods can capture the underlying structure of the populations than linear methods, they are significantly harder to interpret. Linear decoding can be combined with nonlinear encoding using an asymmetric autoencoder.

Expression manifolds

An expression manifold is > a smooth low-dimensional surface on which the observed states of the cells lie and can be approximated by observing the distributions of the measured cells.

This shape can be represented by neighbor graph representations that usually use k-nearest neighbors to build the network. This graph can then be represented as a matrix that has a Laplacian. The smallest eigenvalues of the Laplacian’s eigenvectors correspond to the connected components and main structural axes of the network graph. This approach can derive a low-dimensional representation of the expression manifold that helps with visualizing the data and analyzing it.

Clustering cells

A popular clustering approach is to find communities in the data with methods like Louvain or Leiden clustering. They find clusters of cells that, while useful for interpretation and differential expression analysis, are not guaranteed to carry any real meaning. They can capture anything from cell types, to cell states, to finding differences within a population that is quite transcriptionally uniform because of weak random variation.

Dynamic processes

Although scRNA-seq is typically a snapshot of a cell’s transcriptional state in time, there are measures in that snapshot that provide clues to its transcriptional dynamics. One way to do it is to trace cell density in a low-dimensional space to elucidate the trajectory cells take in that space. This requires a dataset with a representation from cells all align that trajectory. The clustering and dimensionality reduction algorithms specifics behaviours can affect the results from tracing analyses. It also needs information on the start and end points to find the path and trace the cells between them.

Another way is to look at the entropy in the data since we know stem or progenitor cell populations have more heterogeneity than differentiated cells. Trajectory direction can be assigned in the direction of decreasing entropy.

scRNA-seq also contains information about the RNA structure in terms of unspliced and spliced RNA. The difference between them can be used to infer what genes are being turned on and off in a cell population to see what the underlying trajectories are and what groups cells are moving towards or away from. This can reveal differentiation trajectories and lineage commitment points along them.